As of March 6, 2025 Neil Lindsay has his work position listed on LinkedIn as “SVP, Amazon Health Services.” The banner image on his LinkedIn account proclaims “Healthcare just got less painful.”

Let’s see if that is true.
In February 2023 Amazon bought One Medical, which includes One Medical Seniors. One of the One Medical Seniors clinic is in Lindsay’s own backyard in Shoreline, WA, immediately north of and adjacent to Seattle.
The Shoreline clinic’s web site reflects Amazon’s attention — or lack of attention — to detail. And this has to make one wonder if the health care really is “less painful.”
Let’s take a look at the top portion of the web site’s home page. A headline claims the clinic is “A doctor’s office for seniors on Medicare.”
By staff’s own admission a doctor is only on site two days a week. Among the four staff business cards at the reception desk on March 5, 2025 there was no evidence of a doctor.

Let’s look further down on the home page. We find a few more items that cast doubt on Amazon’s attention to detail. Each of the three items in the image below are discussed below.

There is improper casting of the headlines. The smaller font of of “Patient portal” suggests it is an item of the larger font “Community Events.” Because they are not related, they should be of equal ranking.
The link to Community Events goes to a Community Events page with no events.
The discussion about the easy way to communicate is blown apart because the Chirp button link goes to a 404 page — a Not Found Page.

Let’s look further on this web page.

When you find a phone number below a local address, you might think that you would be calling the local clinic. Not true. The 888 number for the clinic goes to a call center somewhere outside Washington State. Anything but local.
In fact, this kind of deception takes place on the documents printed at the clinic. See the image below. It has an area code 206 phone number right below the address. This local number is also routed to a call center not in Washington State.

Moving on down into the web page we find bus information. The site says you can reach the clinic by routes 28x and 330. These would be King County Metro Transit Routes because the Shoreline clinic is in King County. The closest the 28x route gets to the clinic would require a 3.7 mile walk. The 330 bus does not exist. There is no mention of the bus that does stop one block from the clinic.

Further down on the clinic’s home page is missing information. There is a headline claiming that the One Medical and the clinic will help you get the most from your Medicare. One of the sentence says “Medicare Plans we accept:”. There are no plans listed. It is an empty space.

Is Neil Lindsay’s LinkedIn headline that says “Healthcare just got less painful” accurate?
No — not based on what we find on this One Medical Senior clinic web site in Lindsay’s own back yard.
Is it less painful for a senior to walk 3.7 miles to a clinic?
Is it less painful to be given misleading, missing, and inaccurate information?
Is it less painful to use a web site with bad links?
Is it less painful when information is missing?
Patients at this Shoreline clinic report that the staff is constantly changing. Is this because working conditions are so bad?
One has to wonder how deep the misleading, missing, and inaccurate information creeps into the actual health care Amazon claims to provide.
FOLLOW UP: A senior patient of the Shoreline Clinic received a call about a week after a visit. The message left was this:
“Hi. This is Stephen calling from One Medical Seniors. I am part of our Patient Experience Team. Just reaching out to get some feedback regarding our practice. Our phone number is 866-423-0312. Thank you so much and have a great day.”
The patient called back a day later during business hours. After 6 minutes and 45 seconds the caller was told no representative was available and the call would be directed to voice mail to leave a message to get a call back within 1 business day.
A second call about 15 minutes later to 866-423-0312 resulted in the same hold message, but this time, after about 3 minutes, Amazon simply dropped the call. So much for senior health care.