
Live is not Live at SEA Airport run by Port of Seattle

If you land on the SEA Airport page you may have seen — or may see — an image tile with this title: “Live Airport Cameras.” Here’s a screen capture from 2024-08-07:

Clicking on “Live Airport Drive Cameras” takes a user to this page: .

On that page — below the images — you find these comments:

“Drive camera images are static (not live) and are published with a slight delay.”

Hold on. The first page says “live” and the next page says “not live”

Note also that there are no date or time stamps on the images.

Another comment — again below the images — says “Drive camera images refresh every minute. To see the most recent view, refresh your browser window.”

Given the contradiction — and apparent outright lie about being “live” — combined with the lack of date and time stamps on the images, how can a user have any confidence that the Port of Seattle is being honest about the images being recent?

The Port should rethink its credibility concept.