QFC — a retail grocery with stores in the Seattle area — is owned by Kroger. QFC offers vaccinations in the stores’ pharmacies. The QFC website is an example of how not to provide and promote vaccination customer service.
The first problem is that vaccinations don’t show up in the Pharmacy and Health drop down menu. See the image below.

Illogically, the consumer is supposed to know to click on “My Prescriptions”. That menu item brings up another page with a left-hand menu, see below.

On this page the consumer finds “Vaccinations Made Easy” under “My Prescriptions” and “Vaccinations” under Pharmacy Services. If the user clicks on “Vaccinations Made Easy” the user ends up on another page with a Consent form that gathers relevant information. “Consent” is not a “Prescription.”
If the user clicks on “Vaccinations” under “Pharmacy Services” the user is taken to a page with the heading of “Vaccinations Made Easy with No Appointment Needed!”. Huh? Shouldn’t that headline be associated with the other hyperlink (“Vaccinations Made Easy”)? Regardless, why are there two different hyperlinks on the page for vaccinations? Why not consolidate all vaccinations information on the same page? In marketing terms, splitting this information (with inconsistent use of terminology) destroys the sales funnel — the focus on content aimed at a sale. See image below.

Each of those hyperlinks takes the user to a PDF file with this content:
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Gee. Isn’t that a helpful schedule? Rather than go into more detail, QFC should think about user experience rather than some convoluted corporate logic if it wants to makes sales and make it easy for the customer. And while corporate doesn’t have its promotional act together, it puts pressure on pharmacy staff to make vaccination sales. Corporate is failing in its job to deliver leads and then blames staff for not making sales targets. This scenario is simply unfair to pharmacy staff. The best customer service is when there is a good user experience that easily flows leads into the organization.