
CenturyLink example of product that degrades value

CenturyLink recently provided me with a new modem for my 1gig fiber Internet service. The new modem is a Zyxel C3000Z.

Within 24 hours, I’ve found three problems.

Problem #1: Dynamic DNS client does not work.

What got me investigating this was my inability to connect via WAN to my audio server. I logged into my account and it had the old IP#. I logged into the C3000Z and  it shows that last update at the time I logged into the modem. So, I put in a bogus password for the DynDNS account and clicked apply. Sure enough, the modem reported a successful report. Did the programmers deliberately set the dynamic dns feature to fradulently report success as a ruse to cut corners rather than success be determined by successful login?

Problem #2: Administrator Password Language and Contradiction

The English speaking world continues to be degraded by bad English and contradictory statements. When I went to change the administrator’s password I got the error message below. First, bad English. “a[n] upper”. In the second sentence the password must be at least 8 characters long. In the last sentence the password must be no more than 4 characters. Also, in the last sentence “is allow[ed].”  What a great way to confuse customers: bad English and contradictory statements.

Problem #3: Show Password option

In the section to set the administrator’s password there is an option to show the password by unchecking the box before “Hide Password.” When this box is unchecked the password is NOT revealed. Instead, the Confirm Password field disappears.

When supporting products for otherwise great services do not work right, an enormous amount of time is lost by the customer trying to figure things out, making phone calls, and getting replacements. All this lost time because of defective products detracts from the value.